Hardwood Smoking Pellets



EVB offers bedding in three sizes: 1) whole pellet, 2) crumbled and 3) small crumbled. No other competitor does this. EVB customers can purchase the same superior bedding in a form that best suits their needs.

Elkhorn Valley Animal Bedding

Elkhorn Valley Animal Bedding website
In animal bedding, quality is everything. At Elkhorn Valley Bedding (EVB), we start with clean, kiln dried softwood (predominately pine) with no bark or dirt. The wood is ground into a meal then pelletized to increase density. The pellets are then cooled and screened to remove fines before bagging.

The small particle size of the wood greatly increases the surface area of the bedding giving it superior absorbent characteristics. EVB bedding is able to hold up to three times its weight in water. EVB bedding suppresses odors, makes cleanup easy and doesn’t stick to coats. And because we start with clean, kiln dried wood and pelletize it at temperatures in excess of 200 F, the bedding is virtually sterilized ensuring the best environment for animal health.


Horizon Biofuels Premium Fuel Pellets

Horizon Biofuels, Inc. Website

Our premium grade fuel pellets are made from a blend of clean, dry soft and hard woods. We monitor quality at every step of production to ensure you get a clean, hot burn. Click on HBI icon for more information. Plant direct sales available in 40 lb bags or bulk.